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Topics - Bagger

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / CA M249 Piston Keeps Breaking
« on: September 08, 2006, 12:54:48 PM »
I replaced the piston in my CA M249 with an aluminium one, after the large sector plate striking tooth (the first tooth) broke off on the plastic one.

After a very short time(a few seconds), the same thing happened to the AL one.

I'm using stock gears, 120 spring, and a AL/Teflon cylinder, 9.6V batt.

I realize the upgrades are placing _some_ extra stress on the piston, but I thought a metal piston would be up to the task.

It appears the sector gear is striking the piston tooth hard enough to snap it off.

Any suggestions?  I'm planning to return to the stock spring. Anyone else with this gun having problems?

Troubleshooting / CA M249 PCG Gearbox Failure w/ pics
« on: September 03, 2006, 11:13:48 AM »
At the DogSkull op yesterday, the SAW stopped firing during the second round.  The reason was just as suspected, a broken piston.  

I'll happily take comments, suggestions, and requests for more pics(While the gearbox is open).

I took some pics to show the gearbox internals and the damage:

Broken Piston

Tooth wear

Gearbox internals

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Operation DogSkull Photos
« on: September 02, 2006, 06:13:36 PM »
I've posted the pics I have HERE

Password: amsog

Huge amounts of cropping, resizing, and editing.  I tried to capture the best in each photo.  I hope everybody enjoys them. :D

It was a pleasure meeting all who attended.  Thanks to everyone who drove great distances for this event, your support is greatly appreciated.  We hope you had a good time. :D

Thanks to Teach for a great job juggling camera's during the entire op!

Introduce Yourself! / Bagger In Tucson
« on: August 29, 2006, 04:43:25 PM »

I'm Bagger (robb salzmann) and I live in Tucson.  I'm a member of the AMSOG team and new to airsoft within the last couple of months.  I discovered airsoft out east at a couple of private CQB training evolutions using Systema PTW's.  

I'm having a blast and learning tons here as well as in practice sessions with my team.   I'm looking forward to being AMSOG's SAW gunner in the next few non CQ events.

I'd like to be ready enough to attend Op Bulldog in October, hopefully with a few members of my team.

So thanks to all who have gone before me and greetings to all who come after me, and free BB's for everyone who wants some.

Kind Regards,

AEG's / CA M249 vs CA M15 A4 or similar
« on: August 08, 2006, 11:21:11 PM »
I'm trying to decide which AEG to purchase.  I like the idea of the M249, based, but I may be making a mistake considering it based on its real steel characteristics.

I don't have the luxury of visiting an airsoft dealer, so will probably order off the 'net.    This means I can't do a side by side comparison of these guns.

What I'm trying to figure out, is what makes the M249 worth pretty much twice the investment over the M15 or similar (both CA)?  In reading reviews, they both seem to have similar internals, firing rates, FPS, and upgrade possibilities.  So what makes the M249 worth the extra $4-600?

~ bagger

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