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Messages - bohica6

Pages: [1]
AEG's /
« on: October 04, 2005, 11:25:18 AM »
The early model MP5's from TM had the 560.  I have one a freind gave me and it is a parts gun.  The gears in mine lock up, I tried new gears, with no luck, just ain't worth the money to fix.  That's why it is a parts gun.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: October 03, 2005, 09:50:59 AM »
I saw this suject before but thought it was to far passed to post a reply but since someone else did I thought I might.  

I am a SFC in the US Army (Active and deployed), although I do not wear any patches except Name (Tony), Tm name (CRASH or TACCON) and the US or Texas flag on my airsoft costume, I like to see other Airsoft hobbiest wear the most accurate unifrom they can peace together.  Two reasons, one is it makes me feel good (I have seen grown men wearing the exact same badges and patches on their Airsoft costume as I wear to garrison work), and the other is alot of time these guys or gals do alot research on the topic.  As for the police thing, proper respect and safety considerations should be take.  I am setting my wife's costume up as a SWAT style get up, and it will probalby say SWAT, given we live in Japan, I don't think it is a huge deal.  She really digs the whole kicking door stuff so why not let her pretend .

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 01, 2005, 11:46:54 AM »
You guys seem to have your stuff wired tight out there, have you considered trying to get a local paper to run an atricle on your teams or events.  Frankly, I like airsoft staying low key, it helps keeps the sport healthy by not haveing a bunch of wankers involved.

AEG's /
« on: October 01, 2005, 11:25:42 AM »
Not to take anything away from the STG's or MP's but the M1Carbine is considered by most experts to be the first true modern assault rifle, according the the current standards...

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: October 01, 2005, 11:13:59 AM »
Well, I hope not to offend anyone with my story but here it is.
 Bohica - Bend Over Here It Comes Again. 6 - commander.
  It became my callsign by accident.  After returning to North Carolina in 01, I grabbed a few guys in my unit to head to an Airsoft game "OP. Island Storm" being host by CRASH "Carolina Regional Airsoft Hobbiest."  I had been in to Airsoft for 3 years before in Japan but didn't realize that people in the states had cool nicknames. So when we showed up to the game all these people were like "Hi I am Silverbear, or I'm DeathStalker" and so on.  I was like HI I'm Tony.  After talking and BSing for hours one of the guys was like, ohhh your Bohica6.  My login for the website...  by that point it was to late, and I became known as Bohica6 also bohica06 on the sites that I have had to create another account because I forgot my pswds.  I had no idea that logins were considered c/s in the airsoft community other wise I would have picked some like....hmm Tony

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 26, 2005, 08:20:00 PM »
I have seen alot of bad guys patched up by Coalition medics.  It's the right thing to do, but I also beleive that the average soldier needs to improve their marksmanship skills.  An enemy KIA is alot easy to deal with than an enemy WIA.  

Also about the plates.  There are a but load of different kinds.  The SAPI "M80" is being phazed out and replaced by a 7.62 AP plate.  Its called a Ballistic Upgrade Plate, and they are also rated for multi-hit.  The plates are definate life savers.  I see alot of guys wearing just the plates, not a good idea.  Almost all the soft armor will stop 9mm atleast.  It would really suck to lose your liver because you were to HOT to wear your soft armor, plus RPG's, IED, Grenades, Mortars, and and Rockets porduce alot of frags which are often easy stopped by the soft armor.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 09, 2005, 12:10:57 PM »
Wow, These guys really know their stuff when it comes to impact of Religion and Ethnic customs on social conformity.  I wounder if they thought about the enviroments in which these people were raised.  A tribal system, were they allowed their tribal elder to make decisions for them.  I wonder if they thought about how different our Western culture must seam to them and how for the sense of security they remain in close nit communities.  If you actually look at how tribal societies adapt to the Western life styles, it's not really a wake-up in the morning and bang I am wearing a suit and tie.  Often it is not until the last generation that was raised in the orginal tribal system has passed that the later generations will fully intergrate into the local community.  Not always but often...
Don't forget the Religion part!!!! It's huge...

"Liberty is the air America breathes . . . In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential freedoms . . . freedom of speech and expression . . . freedom of worship . . . freedom from want . . . freedom from fear ."

As for saying these people will destroy the American way of life... What is the American way of life?  Is it Bling, bling and pimp'n, is it 4X4's and Budweiser, is Hockey and snow machines???  The day there is no room in the US for some one who willing wishes to wear a Burka, Shamag or having there britches sagging to their knees then that little Declation signed back in 1776 will have no meaning.  

For Flash: So should I trade my yamulka for a baseball hat?   Or is it only Islamic and Hindy cultures that pisses you off.  Oh wait, but if you get rid of them then who's next...  mmm....

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
-Emma Lazarus

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 08, 2005, 03:41:42 PM »
Flash, I wish you would be more selective with the statements you make like, people speaking foreign languages and dressing different.
Most of our families did not speak English when they got here.  I know most of our families made a great effort to assemilate in to the populas, but it sure ain't a law that you got'a...  Remember, right now there are guys and girls who speak just enough english to get in the Military, fighting for the US.   Please don't take this as a flame, I new on this forum and would hate to start up something bad.
In my MOS I work with alot of native speakers, so I am kinda protective of them.  
Heck, I were a yarlmuka under my MICH...Shalom!!!

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 08, 2005, 03:21:29 PM »
I beleive that this attack will stiffen the resolve of the Brits.  Some on here will remember the late 70's and the early 80's.  Bombings in Great Britian were not uncommon and back then it was a Terrorist organization backed openly by alot of Americans.  The Brits held their course in Northern Ireland and I hope they hold on with the US.  

What I think is sad, is how some people back in the states are saying we are all alone, or noone supports us. Here is my view, from the Koreans here providing Medical support to the Poles clearing Mines, the Slavaks building runways and every other nation here in Afghanistan they are proud to stand up next to Americans and do the job.  Given we do most of the fighting, but it has always been that way in all of our joint ventures.  Honestly, the US fights because we are the absolute best at it.  No other Military in the World can match us.  Noone!!!  
Also, I just hope that those in America who think we can be taken down by $3 a gallon gas or the threats of Terror remembers one important fast.  The US feeds the world.  If the US stop all food stuff exports....  The world would starve.  As far as Gas, I have lived in England and Japan where they pay $4 a gallon...  They survive...  The US will survive!!!
Sorry if this rambling

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: July 04, 2005, 11:59:28 AM »
I see this is an old topic but since it was already resurrected and I need 10 post to start a topic I thought I would post my stupid thing...  Given I am active Army and most of my friends are too.  
I was sharing an apartment in Fayetteville, NC with 2 other Joes, one was deployed.  The one deployed had just bought a nice 48in Sony High Def Projection TV.  (starting to forsee the stupidness)  Well, It was Sat night and I packed up my stuff for a Sun game except for a M9 I was target shooting with.  My roommate comes home with the beer, I place the pistol on the end table, we drink lots of beer and start playing the X-Box "Max Pain"....  *we are soldiers with good firearm and airsoft safety...  So as I get pissed at the game * because I suck at it...  My room mate picks up the M9 and says "I've got you covered"  as he puts a nice two shot group center screen...  Yes, .20 @ 320 will Spiderweb a screen on a rear projection TV.  $250 later, I decide to always unload my airsoft guns in da house....

Introduce Yourself! / Sierra Vista Area?
« on: July 02, 2005, 04:07:00 PM »
How's everyone?  I hate getting on new forums but I gots no choice.  I am in the Army and will be at FT Huachuca for a few months (not til Jan or Feb).  I am looking for a local team to hook up with to get some trigger time.  I am deployed now and I'm just trying to plan ahead.  I will be bringing my guns and crap so I will just need a place and people to shoot.  I been into airsoft since 97 and I have played in Okinawa, Japan and on the East Coast (NC, GA) so I kinda have a feel for the game.  I would appreciate any replies or leads on where to look or who to contact.  Any information would be disco.  Thanks, Tony

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