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Messages - rezmedic54

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself! / Hi to EveryOne
« on: November 07, 2005, 06:13:57 AM »
I my name is Kurt I am  20 yr. retired Paramedic. Just got into to Airsoft thanks to my son. I also sell and work on the real stuff am also a CCW Instructor and teach an Advanced Self-defense corse. I got into to Airsoft for the trigger time originally. This a great way to teach people force on force classes as yep it stings a bit to get hit with one but your not going to die. It's hard to teach slef-defense when all you do is shoot paper targets as they don't shoot back. You can practice your tactics and see if they really work.Or Airsoft arsenal is starting to grow as we have a Saw, Mp5, M-4 with grenade launcher and I will be ordering a 1911 blow back this morning. The best thing is Airsoft is fun for all exect the stinging part (LOL). Look forward to meeting some of you at a game sometime in the near future and seeing how this is all put together. Till then Be Safe Out There and Thanks. Kurt

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