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Messages - jokerman

Pages: [1]
Gas Powered Guns / Re: does anyone have the kjw m700?
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:06:43 PM »
I also have this gun and it is totaly worth it if you upgrade it. I upgraded the barrel to a tight bore and added a new bolt on it and now i can shoot a nickle at 50 feet.

Hey guys, i am one of m249gunners friends the name is dane and i just started to airsoft this year. My airsoft armorey consists of one echo 1 mp5a4, lots of crappy guns that i bought because i thought were cool and i was a total retard. And one of the worst guns you can get a hfc m9 vertec. i am 13 years old and i am looking for an airsoft team because i have never ever been part of a big airsoft orginazation. Just to tell you guys i pwn m249gunner like butter and ice. Yea i am pretty good. [smilie=armata_pdt_06.gif]

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