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Messages - shotgunReedwhoot

Pages: [1] 2
Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Back yard game TONIGHT...
« on: January 13, 2009, 02:07:54 AM »
oh snap.. do another game.. and where it at? and is it literally in a back yard?

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: MTT Big Game Jan. 18 10 am - 4 pm
« on: January 11, 2009, 10:58:08 PM »
Is anyone coming from Gilbert or Chandler that could give me a ride?  I'd give you .25 bb's!!

CAN anyone pick me up?  I'll even give you a whole bag of .25 bb's!

Lindsay and Ray is where I'm at... is anyone around there that can give me a ride?  I have an extra gas shotgun.. I might take my guard battle buddy if he can come or even my dad lol but they are likely to be flakes and not be able to come... so anyone just happening to be going on by my street willing to give me a ride !!!!  I'd really appreciate it!

Cool this place is close... I'm in Gilbert... I need a ride my friend might go with me and use my extra gun..BUT if he can't is there anyone coming from Gilbert who will give me a ride? I map quested it and its only 14 miles away I WISH I HAD A CAR!  I WILL give bb's FOR RIDE!!!  BTW is there a contact number in case I can't find  it if my battle buddy is going to come with me?

Well my battle buddy is away on business... so anyone coming from all the way from Gilbert or Chandler? eh I wish I had a CAR>>

SO MEET AT 7:30 AND THEN a hr and half later we play geeze.... that a long wait?? we'll this guy I met at the guard wants to play with me and use my extra gun which is great hes right down the street, but if he doesn't want to play tomorrow is there anyone who going play coming from Gilbert or Chandler?

we meet at 7:00 a.m. at your house right?>

Anyone want to give me a ride? From Gilbert...

Anyone coming from Gilbert... once again... lol I need a car..

I'm so up for it and will be Mercenary.. that is if I can get a ride from Lindsey and Ray in Gilbert... who will help me out?

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Gilbert AIRSOFTERS!!!
« on: November 05, 2008, 02:27:55 AM »
Yo hit me up and I'll give you my number... I want to go to a game this weekend... next weekend I have national guard training... lol my first one hehe

Is there anyone from GILBERT or chandler who would give me a ride?  Please THANKS

yo yo yo is anyone coming from gilbert who could give me a ride?

SO 15-18 only??? I'm 20 so I can't play?

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