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Messages - Doffen

Pages: [1]
Hi, my name is Chris and i'm 15 years old.
I've been doing airsoft since i was about 14, mostly in my home country Norway. I go to Arizona, to visit family several times each year.
I've got some guns, an AK 47 aftermath (cyma orig) m14 aftermath (cyma orig) and 2x colt 1911 one gas (the 12g thingys) and one spring
i love playing airsoft, cause of the adrenalin and fun. :twisted:

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: 15+ and want to play
« on: December 27, 2008, 01:08:24 PM »
btw, i dont hawe any special military uniform, got some stuff at home in europe, but im at my uncle's so..
got mask and such though and bb's.

General Airsoft Game Discussion / 15+ and want to play
« on: December 27, 2008, 01:04:00 PM »
Hi, im in the country til thursday 1 (think its the first) and want to play airsoft, got an m14 400fps and a springer 315 fps. I hawe played many times before, and i'm just looking for some fun. Please reply and tell me if there is any fields or matches where i could play that is within the first of January.

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