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Messages - CMattingly

Pages: [1]
Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: ICOM IC-F4S Portable Radio and Charger
« on: January 02, 2009, 01:19:45 PM »
How cheap are you willing to go?
PM me please!!!

I'm still confused. Is it illegal for minors to posses them or not?

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: APD Sauturday games
« on: December 30, 2008, 01:12:24 PM »
How big are the teams?

I am Connor. I have been playing airsoft for about 7 years. I am 15. I just recently found your website from google because I was searching for Airsoft games. I am making a team with about 10 guys from church. We play about 3 times a week in our church parking lot. I noticed that there are a lot of games but you have to be 18 or older which is a HUGE bummer. Thanks and pm it up!!! :D

I am Connor. I have been playing airsoft for about 7 years. I am 15. I just recently found your website from google because I was searching for Airsoft games. I am making a team with about 10 guys from church. We play about 3 times a week in our church parking lot. I noticed that there are a lot of games but you have to be 18 or older which is a HUGE bummer. Thanks and pm it up!!! :D

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