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Messages - Futuresport

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Re-entering the Field
« on: March 02, 2009, 05:23:21 PM »
Quote from: "Toast"
I was once told about 15 years ago by a reservation police officer over his squad cars loud speaker when under age drinkers used to frequent those areas,
"Unless I see head are not welcome here."
Point taken back then. It's not the place to play.
Spend a little bit more $ and get something a little better, 50 bucks makes a big difference at that price point.

maricopa isn't the res, but then who knows what the boundaries are. I agree with you...doesn't have to be a res cop to be a problem either, cops + guns + confusion = bad situation wherever you are.

I seem to remember making the drive out past maricopa though...played with some AZ airsoft guys. can't remember the field though, its been some years.'re in tempe, where do you usually play?

just put up a topic about myself in the forum

glad to see this place is fairly active

Introduce Yourself! / Re-entering the Field
« on: March 01, 2009, 06:51:41 PM »
Used to play a few years ago (I think I even played with some az airsoft guys up north once), priorities changed and left the sport. I'm looking to get back in again. looks like theres some new aeg makers now, is this JG company decent? thinking I'll pick up a solid sniper rifle (maruzen or TM) and then one of these cheap JG guns for when sniping is inappropriate.

looking for games south of chandler and ray (where it breaks from the casinos and turns to desert) along the I-10. seems like most games are being held either at tucson or way up north or way out east of phx. I understand the need to avoid the public. just wondering if anyone's established a presence between chandler and maybe maricopa out in the desert?

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