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Messages - WAR 920

Pages: [1]
General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Vanguard bbs
« on: March 19, 2011, 05:01:46 PM »
Quote from: "XavierMace"
Quote from: "VIP - Vanguard"
it happened the same weekend we had a large storm cell through the area bringing in more humidity and dirt residue into the arena, which as any players knows, can create issues with the gun mechanisms.

LOLWUT?  So are you trying to state that humidity outdoors magically makes guns jam indoors?
As much as I absolutly HATE to agree with xaviermace, he brings up a very good point. Don't make up fucking excuses, just say "We Fucked Up" and take responsibility.

Gas Powered Guns / Re: gas blowback or non blowback pistols
« on: March 19, 2011, 03:22:41 PM »
Blowback is more realistic, therefore, more cool. NBB doesn't use as much gas.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: UTAH's State Pistol..
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:35:33 PM »
Well I think its all a question of relation. The 1911 probobly has some sort of history or importance in that state. Maybe old, italina bolt action rifles should be texas's state rifle? (Is it a bit too early for JFK jokes?)
Personally, I think the flamethrower should be Arizona's state weapon, as this place is so fucking hot lol.

AEG's / Re: Wiring to rear
« on: March 18, 2011, 09:49:31 PM »
Go to gearbox and have someone do it before you do sumthing that is undoable. SHOTGUN PLEASE :D
Oh how I jest.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: March 18, 2011, 09:00:51 AM »
Quote from: "irishmaster"
you what makes a real good airsofter, call your hits! [smilie=armata_pdt_01.gif]

And Hello.
The mans right, there is no quicker way to lose respect and credibility than to not call your hits.

Pages: [1]