« on: May 03, 2012, 07:28:56 PM »
I am not a huge fan of jg or echo one. But personally I wouldnt even buy a spring until your get its fps. Also I know jg springs are weak so leaving it compressed and once broken in could easily put you under 350fps .2 The other thing I would stay is stay way from matrix motors they are crappy. People on this forum have problems with them out of the box let alone a bigger forum site. G&P 120 is trash Im not even sure why they make this motor and how they have the balls to sell it for 30-35. I have seen this motor have problems with a m100 spring and its supposed to pull m120. Personally Id go element turbo motor. They are china motors that work great. You rarely hear about them but in asia these motors are their systemas. They are cheap as well 32 bucks for a motor that rpms at system turbo speed which would easily add a good amount of rps.
As far as what I would add.
I am not sure if jg makes a m4 mag conversion but id get those.
Id get a 6-7 inch barrel extension or silencer. and add a longer tbb accordingly something around 363mm 370mm maybe even 410mm
if you wanted to make it faster look into lighter gears piston and better flow piston head
As far as what I would add.
I am not sure if jg makes a m4 mag conversion but id get those.
Id get a 6-7 inch barrel extension or silencer. and add a longer tbb accordingly something around 363mm 370mm maybe even 410mm
if you wanted to make it faster look into lighter gears piston and better flow piston head