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Messages - Maxtor21

Pages: [1]
Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Operation Blakan Hammer
« on: October 30, 2007, 04:19:40 AM »
Just an outstanding game.  Alot of memorable moments throughout the weekend, and got to meet a bunch of great people.  my most memorable moment of course being getting the drop on drew and his men (who thankfully didn't step on me as they passed me.)  good job by everyone had a blast, can't wait for the next chance to take the field with you guys.

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: October 21, 2007, 01:46:58 PM »
it was great to have you guys out there kileyhaz.  we always appreciate any constructive critisim and i will definetly pass your notes onto the rest of the team.  
as a sidebar, the team as a whole had no idea what the scenerio was or what the rules were going to be until that morning, so we didn't get much input as to how things should be done.  i will make sure that our team leader gets your notes though as they are valid and to be honest can't deny someone the right to express his opinion when he does it politely :D

it was great to have everyone else out there too, and if anyone else has any notes, constructive critism, or comments feel free to post them and i will make sure that our team leader gets them.

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: October 18, 2007, 10:39:47 PM »
Quote from: "museumofmilitaryhistory"
I will be arriving at Camp Navajo to open the barracks and dining facility up between 7am-8am.

Chad Lares
(480) 208-6926

right on, i'm planning on being there around 1100 - 1200, i'll be willing to help out with things if you need (and i'll have 2 others with me that i could probably persuade to help too.)

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: October 16, 2007, 02:07:05 PM »
roger that, i'll give him a call tonight.

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: October 16, 2007, 02:28:25 AM »
i'm on team Steno, last update was us leaving here at 0400 which should put us guns up at bout 0700, and we are planning on leavin round 1400 or so.  while this may not be spot on, we are planning for morning games.

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: October 26, 2006, 03:47:26 AM »
little out numbered at the moment, but hey, it's no fun if it's not challenging right  :) , can't speak for the whole team yet, but there will be at least me and howrangi from team steno, HOOAH!!

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