« on: August 20, 2013, 11:04:34 PM »
Hey guys sorry about the last post, we had some problems so we were not active on the post.
We would like to start hosting events on this forum, all which will be open to anyone who would like to participate.
For unknown reasons, six U.S. Navy SEALs were deployed to North Central Canada. Our last response from the team was "There's to many of them and we are low on ammo, it looks like there building a........".
That is all the information that was released to us. The Army was assigned to find, and help the team of Navy SEALs.
There will be two teams, the U.S Army/Navy SEALs. AS well as the C.S.W.A.C.S (Canadian Special Weapons And Combat Specialists)
The storyline may sound vague, however many objectives will occur throughout the game until one of the teams complete theirs first.
Team sizes will be determined based on the amount of players we receive.
When: Sunday September the 1st
Where: We will meet at the Prescott Costco's parking lot, where we will then travel to the destination.
Schedule: 0800, meet at Costco
0830, travel to location
0915, meet and greet
0945, mission briefing
1000, game on
1130, game over (maybe)
1230, game type requests
We want this to be fun and friendly for everyone so we will start with a big objective game, rest, and than take requests for other game types.
Rules and regulations,
Hit Rules
Two shots in the chest (knees and up, shoulders and over, neck and down) Or one shot in the head.
Grenades will be allowed, whether they shoot or not. (just has to look like a grenade) kill zone for non propellant grenades will be a 15 foot radius after is stops. (same rule applies to claymores, mortars ,etc...
When you are hit, yell "HIT" so whoever was shooting at you can hear you, and raise your weapon, or red dead flag.
Eye protection must be worn as soon as we get to the staging area, whether its sealed or not, your eyes are important so protect them. No eye protection, no play.
FPS limits
we are going to a pretty decently sized area so AEGs must be under 425 with .25 bbs
Age restrictions
18 and older require no supervision to participate
17 and younger must have a parent or guardian present to participate or have a signed waiver by a team leader.
Waivers will be provided at the event for everyone to sign.
Provide your own water, food, shade.
I want to keep this as fun, and enjoyable for all participants, so there will not be a list of guidelines, just use common sense and be courteous.
The road to the location is 7 miles of pavement and about 7 of dirt. Car drivers beware, the road gets a little rough at the end.
Like I said, this is the first event we have posted on here. If you have any questions, comments, please post below.