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Messages - gasman

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself! /
« on: July 14, 2007, 11:12:17 PM »
Well I dont know if I will be attending any games this summer, cause I really only came down to "work", and I shouldnt really spend any money on a new AEG untill I have a substancial amount put into savings. But, if I do buy a gun, as a spur of the moment thing, I will most likely see you on the field.

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: July 13, 2007, 11:01:25 AM »
We only had to "scare" a guy once. He had never played with us before, and even though I watched him get sprayed numerous times by our supprt gunner, he still didnt call out. The guy who initially shot him, got payback.

The guys I play with dont like cheaters, not in the least. I am just playing for fun, and something to do, but I still dont like it when people dont call out.

Spring Power!! / Classic Army M24 Sniper Rifle
« on: July 11, 2007, 03:49:55 PM »
I am seriously looking to buy a CA M24 Rifle. I have been hearing many diff. opinions from other players, and I have not been able to find real "solid" reviews about the Rifle.

I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with either the Civ. or Military CA M24. Are the diff. between the two, mainly cosmetic or are their preformance diff. too?

Another question, if I were to buy the rifle, I would want to keep it a spring and not switch it to gas, so as far as upgrades for the spring rifle what would I need for the Rifle to preform decent?

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: July 11, 2007, 11:28:52 AM »
Thanks for the welcome guys, I guess I did get alittle carried away.

As far as the AEG goes, I am going ot be purchasing a CA M24 Socom Sniper Rifle, i just cant decide on wether to go with the Civ. or the Military Type.

Introduce Yourself! / Gasman
« on: July 10, 2007, 11:11:53 PM »
I recently moved to Goodyear, from Hudson, MI. I am 17 years old and I work at the Goodyear "Best Buy" store #485, as a "Loss Prevention Specialist/ Security Guy."

I am currently living with my Aunt and Uncle, in the Taylor Woodrow sub. "Canyon Trails".

I plan on finishing my Senior year at the Desert Edge High School on Yuma, unless my last school wont send my transcripts, then I will have to go back to the Shit Hole town of Hudson to finish high school.

I am an avid Battle Field player, I have an account for every series. Currently I am playing as SuperTroop08, and I am a clan member of "Squad Big Deal", the name was my uncles idea. If there are any players, that are members of this site, send me a buddy request and I will add you.

I have future plans to become a Deputy for the Maricopa County Sheriffs Department, and work for "good old" Joe, his reputation is known even in Michigan.

I was a Cadet at the Michigan State Police Post #18 in Adrian, MI, under Lt. Harold Love and also Lt. Kanouse. I graduated highest ranking officer of my "Public Safety- Vocational Class", which was Sergant. And I was an active member of the Police Explorer Post 343.

I am currently single.
Between finding a new job and trying to deal with all the crap that the school is giving me, I havent had time to and hang out with the "ladies", not that I know any around here anyways.

Back in Michigan, I used to belong to a team. Team M.A.A.G was the name, it stands for Michigan Airsoft Assualt Gruppen, Gruppen is German for Group. We played mainly CQB, SWAT and Police Scenerios.

My weapon of choice a HFC Berreta 96FS.

My load-

Basically everything you see in the link except the huge radio holster, the pager holster and key silencer and the mace container. And yes I do have "Cuffs" and yes I do carry a Baton, I use the cuffs. I only use the baton to scare other players, if they dont behave or dont call out. It has even been pulled during a hostage night operation, where we interigated a guy.

The only thing missing from the picture would be the holster where my pistol goes.
We played, up close and personal, often times, resorting to force on force airsoft. There were several instances that a "bad guy" was cuffed, and given a friendly smack or 2.

That is a bit about me, if you wanna know more about me, the team, or you just wanna hear about some more of our airsoft events let me know.


Spring Power!! / Rifle Carrying Stores
« on: July 10, 2007, 01:46:22 PM »
I just recently moved here from MI, but I have been to Jungle Toy, and I wasnt impressed, in the least with there selection. Granted, not many people use Sniper Rifles, but in my opinion, it is still in the stores best interest to carry more than 1 rifle.

I also have visited APD (Airzona Paintball Depot), I think it was on 27th St. Near Bell Rd.

They have a great selection of all CA guns, as well as the M24 Socom Rifle, both Military and Civilian Version. They also carry the KJW M700, I dont know about any TM Sniper Rifles though.

Spring Power!! / CA M24 Socom Sniper "Military Type"
« on: July 10, 2007, 01:38:46 PM »
I was wondering if you guys knew anything about the CA M24. The guys on my team back in MI, are really preasuring me to become the sniper, for the team. They say I am the sneakiest, what it really is, is that they all dont care about stealth so i just sit in a spot and wait for them to come.

But as far as the Rifle, i have heard good things and bad things, I just wanted to get your guys' opinion on its preformance, and also if any of you know, what other then a tightbore, can be put in to upgrade it.

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