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Messages - AsterothX

Pages: [1]
General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: December 10, 2007, 04:44:25 PM »
Thanks for the feedback all.  I have to admit a personal dislike for the Hi-cap that came with my M4 AEG, the feeding is just too unpredictable, and there's something about winding the magazine that detracts from the experience.  Excellent points about the issues with equivalency ratio of BBs to Real rounds.  

Confirms my inclination to go with standard mags for my next purchase.  Thanks again.

Real Firearms /
« on: December 09, 2007, 06:36:19 PM »
There are those that give a lot of grief over the multi position stock on a shotgun, saying it's cosmetic, ruins the gun etc. but I have to say:
With my wife being a full foot shorter than I am, I need stocks that can be adjusted unless I want to soak in double cash for "his" and "hers" of everything.  Would I had the funds :)  anyway, looks nice.

General Airsoft Discussion / Newbish question: Ammo Capacity Restrictions?
« on: December 09, 2007, 06:24:42 PM »
I haven't spotted it anywhere, but do folks play with realistic ammo capacities (ie 15-30 rounds for an ak-47/AR-15) or do most games go with 100+ hi-cap mags?

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