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Messages - BeakerMike

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General Off-Topic Discussion / Doom 3
« on: August 02, 2004, 02:26:06 PM »
Better get something started on Doom 3 now. GameStop called me and said copys will be on the shelf in the next day or so. PC Gamer gave Doom 3 a 94% and so far everything I've heard has been good to groundbreaking.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: December 15, 2004, 08:31:16 PM »
Halo 2 was good for the most part, however I do have a few beefs with it. The human weapons kinda ran out of ammo really fast, and half the time you had to pick up a plasma or the like. Maybe it was just me, but in Halo 1 I could use a pistol next to forever and find ammo pick ups all the time for it. My big beef was with the storyline, as Halo 1 ended nicely. Halo 2 just screams Halo 3. And yes Halo 3 is in the works, for the Xbox 2 and so far 2006/7 is the date for it.

The other big beef is with Multiplayer. I was really wanting Halo 2 for it's online play with Xbox Live. However imho the system sucks, where with the PC I can pick a list of servers to play on or even start my own. Halo 2 uses that stupid random games, soooo unless I have my friends on my friends list I'm suck going into a random game. Great idea, just doesn't work as half the time I'll get into a good game with players around my age 18 to 30. The other half I get a ton of punk 13 year olds, who love running there mouths about ummm 'things' to put it nicely.

Other then those I found the gameplay fun as hell. Music kicks in at all the right times, the AI could have used somemore work. But I'd bet good money some of it gets fixxed with a patch. As for what your getting Kamikaze, when did you get your Xbox? I know the first Xbox's that came out would mess up like that from time to time.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: September 24, 2004, 02:17:38 PM »
After playing Ultima Online, Quake 1 and 2, UT, UT2k3/4, and a few more I can't stand to hear the newbie coments.

First off, I came from the Quake 1 days where 'newbie' was used not as an insult, but as a question. Hell my first 3 hours on Quake 1 where spent with a clan of guys teaching me the game.

Now a few years later, newbie, noobie, noob are insults used by 14 year old Counter-Strike players. Well along with there rants on gays, your mother and father and the like. Sorry but an old gamer like myself does miss the days where online play was fun, and not being a babysitter.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 05, 2004, 04:29:19 AM »
Well cuz I started it... Game runs fine on my system on the highest settings. Running an Athlon 64 with a gig in ram and a Radeon 9800 XT with 256 on the card. And sounds lovely with my 5.1 feels like I'm playing a movie heh.

The plot is good, and tell the truth I like how ID has gone back and is just retelling the story of there older games. First being Return to Castle Wolfenstien and now Doom 3. The first part of the game where your just seeing how everything works is nice.

So far I love the Flashlight. The idea is really good behind it, useing it means you can't use any other weapons. And gives me more of a feeling of dread. Unlike games like Halo and Half-Life where the thing is on your powered armor super suit, the flashlight in Doom 3 feels ALOT more real. And the in game use of the PDA is great, seeing your guy pull it out and use it is just nice. Not only that some of websites in game add more too it. Lastnight I found myself saving and opening IE to look up a keycode for a locker on one of the sites, and was rewarded with a chaingun.

Tell the truth so far I'm loving Doom 3. Video's popping up in game, the monsters look good. The weapons just feel right, and act like they would in real life. Spin around and you'll see the weapon move till it's back in it lowwer part of the screen. And the game reminds me of some of the underrated great games that have come out in the past few years that are ingored. System Shock 1 and 2, Undying and Red Faction for the most part.

I'm really ready to say game of the year with Doom 3. However there's still Half-Life 2 and Halo 2. And lord knows every site and mag on earth will be going on about how great the new GTA will be.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 22, 2004, 08:58:21 AM »
I won't rant and rave about what I think of both men. Both Jesse and my best friend hear it every other day. Bush, well I don't trust him. Kerry, really samething as well. However Kerry in my mind is the lesser of two evils. As for Kerry wanting to ban guns, come on. Like that is ever going to pass in the U.S. Edwards isn't too bad, however I wanted Clark to get the nod to run.

Really, vote for whoever you want to vote for. We all know our vote really doesn't count in the long run.

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 22, 2004, 04:37:09 AM »
Really, I wasn't to big into Battlefield:Nam... It just felt like they took BF:1942 and made a big mod. Granted I think it can be a fun game, however I'll take Joint Operations over it anyday.

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: July 22, 2004, 04:34:25 AM »
Being JesseJames roommate I can say this much. It's a sweet looking gun! Anyhow I wanted to go however had to go out of town to Flagstaff for a thing last weekend. Still the grand opening looked like alot of fun!

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