From John Lu..... but I'm sure there will be better AAR's from those that fought at Irene IV.
Thursday, Sept. 28, 2006
We were hit with heavy rain all day Thur. which turned our original campground into quicksand pit..........all work by Zussman staff was destroyed by the heavy downpour.....port-a-potties were stocked in the mud pit; all effort to pulled them out failed as vehicles, including tracked vehicles, sunk as they attempt to enter the area.
Friday, Sept. 29, 2006
Zussman staff provided another campground three miles from the AO while OPI-IV staff re-worked the entire weekend's logistics and schedule.
Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006
Scenario I scores
House x 4 (50ea) 200
Office 200
Townhouse x 3 (200ea) 600
Bank 200
ZNN 200
Service Station 50
School 300
TTL: 1750
Civiliian kills x 6 - 60
Film Crew hits - 50
Safety violations - 200 *Hatch incident *Hot gun
Unsportsman conduct - 100
Scen I TTL: 1340
Embassy 300
Business Complex 200
Hotel 300
TTL: 800
Civilian kills x 17 - 170
Filme Crew hits x3 - 150
Safety Violations - 200 *mash mas *hot gun
Unsportsman conduct - 100
Scen I TTL 180
Scenario II Scores
Weapons found(accounted for) 175 *Charlie later realized they had 33 weapons at thir FOB, but only one Medic accounted for 7 verifiable at the debriefing, hence, only 7 were awarded points.
Elder Dogtag recovered 300
One UN Convoy 150
ZNN 200
Firehouse 50
Bank 200
Business 200
Business Complex 200
School 300
Townhouse 200
TTL 1925
Civiliian kills x 8 - 80
Film Crew hits x 2 - 100
Safety violations - 100 *Dead shooting
Unsportsman conduct - 50
Scen II TTL: 1620
33 weapons default x 25ea 825
Civilian kills x 2 - 20
Scen II TTL: 805
Scenario III
Scen III TTL: 0
Scen III TTL: 600 *2 live hostage rescued
Scenario IV Night OP
Charlie 0
Delta 150*holybook recovered
Sunday, Oct. 1, 2006
Scenario V
CO rescued 300
Dead recovered x 2 300
Religious leader rescued 100
TTL 700
Civilian kills - 50
Scen V TTL: 650
CO rescued 300
Dead recovered x 2 300
Dead pilots recovered x 3 300 *per agreement with Charlie
Civilian kills x 9 - 90
Scen V TTL: 810
Weekend Total Charlie 3610 Delta 2545
D CO's third quarter comeback was impressive as they fought hard with enthusiasm and discipline.
Congratulations to C CO. This weekend's evolution ties OPI sereis at 2:2
OPI-V will be the tie breaker............
Until next year, please observe the code of honor and be safe.