Hey all,
Just wanted to let you all know about the free e-magazine I have out now. It's U.S.A.S.O.C. Check out the first issue! What is in the e-mag you may ask...Well, quite frankly…a lot! It has over 70+pages. In the current issue, the Classic Army M15A4 CQB is reviewed, I have a talk with AMSOG, basic squad tactics that your team can use, current news, and much more. In the next issue, CQB tactics will be discussed, the Tokyo Marui M4-S System will be reviewed, more tips on how to do modifications to your guns including how to create a custom scope mount for your AEG, a new team interviewed, plus much more! Within a little bit, there will be sniper, CQB, and outdoors tactics and information sections. There will be more for you gas and spring airsofters including modifications, upgrades, reviews, and previews. Also, you will learn how to create a custom ghille suit for a cheap amount of money, while it still being a very effective suit in the future issues. Also, real missions that have actually happened will be reviewed, discussed, and described on what they could've done better (in our eyes), and maybe how you could act them out. Those are just some of things. So check it out the website and download for FREE! The site is: