I will throw down on this one. I am not a part of the Rebel Union, but have attended thier games, so this is a little less biased. First off, if you are making a decision about what to get into based on the turnout, you may be going about it the wrong way. Go with where you have the most fun. Its cliche, but its true. Some of the funnest games I have played are two on two. Airsoft works anywhere from 3 to 50 guys or more. Anyway on to the games.
Turnout for these games in my experience has been between 10 and 15, most being regulars, so it is a pretty steady number. The game is extremely laid back, which makes it perfect for a friday night. Usually one game is played before dark and then flood lights are set up for the rest of the games. The low visibility is difficult to deal with until you get used to it. The field has great cover, small make shift buildings and little to no cactus. There was no one there under 17, with most guys in the 20-25 range. Maybe it is because of this that I noticed that the sportsmanship was first rate. No "invincible-soldier-of-fortune" types that ruin games, everyone was there to have fun, regardless of who won. The games were quick, so that if you got shot, you only waited a couple of minutes to get back in. I will post some pics from last week. Good group.