I can also help you out quicksilver. Send me an e-mapunctuation, and spelling go a long way towards making a person seem professional and knowledgable.
Especially in a situation where your communication is limited to the written word only and you don't have all the other non verbal communication methods (eye contact, tone of voice, facial expression, etc)
I'm not trying to tell you what you are or what you're not, but nobody is good at everything. I like to think that I have a pretty good command of the English language, but there are many, many other things that I fail miserably at. If writing isn't your strong point, adjust what you do accordingly and pay a bit extra attention to it.
And I'm certainly not saying that perfection is necessary, but when other people are having trouble simply understanding what it is you're trying to say, you should probably take a little extra time to make sure your posts are coherent.
A bit preachy perhaps, but I hope it gets the point across.