Its too complicated for me I was just wondering whether or not they were that dangerous to use.
If it really only takes of person with "average itelligence" then why doesnt about 70% of airsofters not use these things?
And to the other guy: Yeah yet another reason Im a little scared to use this battery for. The almost unnecessary ROF tears up the insides of the gun after a while. But I have a G&P CQBR. Do you think the internals in there are strong enough?
It fairly new to people it seems. I can tell you this though, more and more people are running them. Also you dont have to use 11.1 lipos, a 7.4 lipo will give you close to the same rof as a 9.6 nicad.
It only wears parts down faster due to the increased rof. Its common sense. if your piston is going to bust on you at 20k rounds, well it will hit 20k allot fast due to the increased rof. (btw I was just throwing out a random number)
Just stay away, I dont think you can handle it right now. Wait until you can come play with everyone else and then you can see for yourself.
I love them for the almost instant trigger response, especially in semi.