If you really want to mess with them do what I do to door-to-door Mormons. Hold out for as long as you can pretending you care. Then after about thirty minutes of their useless lives taken you;
Best way to deal with that:
Answer the door naked, when they abashedly ask "Have you found Jesus?", answer, "No, but come on in and we'll look for him together!". Should work.
Are you seriously comparing these guys to Mormoms? No way.
I (and I think Phoenix 797) am not comparing them to Mormons. I have Mormon friends. They don't go door-to-door. They are nice people, but they don't bother me while I am eating, or walking from my car to my door. Hell, I am not even comparing DTD Mormon's to the Phelps dbags. I am comparing their obsessive fervors, and hilarious ways to utilize my own free will to mess with them. Not to mention the first suggestion is a classic joke, and the second is something that is very tempting, though possibly dangerous. As Doc says, nothing is stopping them from doing their radical protesting, saying what they want to say, but nothing stops us from messing with them, as long as it doesn't obstruct their rights. (Even though ironically they are trying to obstruct mine).
Though if they are Scientology-esque lawyered up, then one might not care to. Bastards.