Author Topic: Review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version)  (Read 1292 times)

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Review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version)
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:22:18 PM »
This is a review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version).

As with most airsofters, I have a pretty tight budget and buy things as I need them or can eventually afford them.  At too many ops, I found myself running away from a “technical”, vehicle, robot, whatever… because I had no way of taking it out.  I told myself I would one day get a grenade launcher and start giving some payback.

After some adequate research, I decided on the Classic Army QD M203 launcher and I chose the long version as it suited my purposes better.

At a relatively cheap price, this launcher is pretty economical and I’m satisfied with the high quality that I’ve come to expect from Classic Army.  I’ve grown to have a healthy respect for Classic Army products and consider them to be priced accordingly.  Some may argue otherwise, but for this grenade launcher, I really like the price and the quality.

I chose the long version because I plan to launch rockets out of it.  A short barrel will not allow the long range and accuracy, so I quickly dismissed the idea.  However, if you are looking for a good launcher and don’t care about launching rockets, then the short version is just as good (and a bit lighter and less bulky as well).

Simply having a good grenade launcher is not enough.  The accessories really make firing a launcher a success or not.  As I said, I plan to shoot only rockets from mine, but overall, there are a ton of grenades to choose from, depending on what you want to achieve, or how much you want to spend.  Classic Army, Madbull, and others make full lines of good grenades to accompany this type of launcher, but the grenades can get quite expensive, so determine what grenade best suits you and go for it. As for me, my research (and interviews with more experienced veterans) have led me to conclude that the best grenade for my purposes is a Madbull XM-PB4.  With it’s larger than average gas capacity (6x as much!!) and single, huge nozzle, the explosive power of this grenade is enough to send a NERF rocket out to almost 300 feet!  In my research, I also discovered that Zocker Darts are even MORE EFFECTIVE and far-reaching than Nerfs, and can be cheaper as well.  Downside to using this type of grenade is that Madbull PB4’s are very expensive.  Luckily, I foresee myself only needing two, and arming myself with multiple rockets.  Quickly refill those same two grenades and I can be a menace to vehicles and any troops who are silly enough to cluster together!

Obviously, the grenade launcher is big and bulky, but not overweight.  If it’s too heavy for you, go to the gym.  It’s not that bad, and if there comes a time when I don’t want it slung under my rifle, then I can remove it from the rail.  Simple and easy.

Better than that, if there ever came a time when I wanted to run just the launcher, then I invested in the Echo1 Stand Alone Launcher.  It’s product description “designed to provide a mounting point for your M203 that is separate from your main weapon. This Stand Lone M203 system is great for reducing weight on your main weapon, but still keeping the power of the M203 close at hand.”  That pretty much says it all.  If I want to run very light, or have it as a separate weapon system, this is the perfect Stand Alone system I’ve found, and like the grenade laucher, reasonably priced.  A newer version of the launcher seems to advertise that it comes with an M4-style stock, making it a better platform to aim and fire grenades.  It also has a convenient sling mount.

While this review covered more than just the grenade launcher, I purposely included many items that are essential to using the launcher to best effect.

As for the high costs that can accumulate with owning a grenade launcher, here’s what I do to offset such costs; for birthdays, holidays, or any other gift-giving occasion, I ask my wife, friends, and family members to all chip in and get me the one or two items that I truly desire, rather than give generic gifts that they hope I might like.  Might sound a bit selfish, but if done with some tact, people should happily throw their money together and get the expensive items on your wish list.

Grenade launcher pros-
-Relatively economical
-Classic Army quality
-Rail connections
-Multiple grenade and rocket choices
-Changes dynamic of your playing, much more firepower in a compact weapon system

-Requires any number of other items and products to make this an effective weapon
-High cost of grenades
-Can be bulky for some players

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline yammie r6s

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Re: Review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version)
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2010, 05:45:18 PM »
i like how you use your launcher from your description - @ Balkan Hammerr at one point my team got lit from 2 humvee's from two different angles, afterr that i knew that me being the primary grenadier was going to be crucial to my guys surviving (fire from vehicle F'n hurts!!) i caught on quickly using a nalgene pouch to carry my green gas canister and cyling through the 2 same madbull paintball shells and a dump pouch full of nerfs.. after capturing a couple humvee's and killing numerous through out the day they ended up being the ones quite literally stopping in the road to turn around and head in any direction away from our squad.

running a 203 can be an extremely effective role in any team any scenario period. i have to say that was the best time i had was being a rampant vehicle killer.. amazing! can't wait to see someone else fill that same role with my guys in the future.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version)
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 06:31:02 PM »
Nice review, Greg.

Skylar has this same setup. It is nice.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version)
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2010, 09:46:07 AM »
Yeah, It was pointed out to me last time we were all together.  ;)

I had already told SARC what kind of launcher system I wanted and he and my Mrs were waiting for X-mas to spring it on me.  Before I actually got it, I got a chance to see Skyler's.  I really liked how he had it slung and cradled in his dump pouch.  Very smart idea.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by Guest »