Hey RU and all participators in the RU BBQs I have an idea for the next event.
Since The United Empires of Green, has secured and decoded the vital information from both data locations.
The UEG has the upper hand over the Tan Republic and want action, but intel has leaked out to a Tan Special Intel Recon Team that a Green Candidate(VIP) has the declaration to forward the movement to go to war with The TR, if elected into office.
Bodyguards and a small band of elite troops will be transporting the Green VIP to a bunker until evacuation arrives. The VIP must survive, if shot, the VIP can only be revived once, if the shot is nonlethal (arm, legs, feet.) The nonlethal shot makes the VIP a slower target, having to limp to move around thus adding more of a challenge.
After the VIP is evacuated, mortar teams may be called in to finish any remaining opposition.
If the VIP is killed, Green must survive and terminate any remaining Tan Forces, until reaching a new rally point for evacuation.
Let me know what you guys think.