it helps to learn the phonetic military call signs (NATO spelling alphabet) so I wrote them down here so you can reference back here when we forget. So here’s the list:
* Alpha
* Bravo
* Charlie
* Delta
* Echo
* Foxtrot
* Golf
* Hotel
* India
* Juliet
* Kilo
* Lima
* Mike
* November
* Oscar
* Papa
* Quebec
* Romeo
* Sierra
* Tango
* Uniform
* Victor
* Whiskey
* Xray
* Yankee
* Zulu
heres some practice :::::::
yankee oscar uniform -
lima oscar sierra tango -
tango hotel echo -
golf alpha mike echo -
**** i couldnt decide which subsection this goes under because it is not really a link but its informatory, but it could also be under general airsoft . i put it here if its wrong, my bad move it.****