It wouldn't be a stupid stunt with full gear on Einstein! So yea no eye protection! plus the shooter is a marksman, NO FACE OR NECK HITS BUDDY. You couldnt take it With full gear and your mommy there to give you a bandaid! Just watch and enjoy dont hate on other people cause they do stuff you cant and wont! DONT HATE! idiots.
no eye protection... really...
Best way I can put it. You're an idiot. The lack of eye presented at least two separate occasions where you could have been blinded in that movie alone.
This is neither original or intelligent, and as to the "who can take it" rtard mentality you possess, any person that has played at Disruptive Paintball, fightertown, or any other area that allows minors has probably felt this a hundred times. But thats a whole other debate entirely.
Stick to killing braincells with that gangster trash you call music.
Heres where this topic is headed....