You don't see it you read it, I've never seen you at a game except LC4 so how can you say that you see it in the airsoft community, and how can you say people who don't agree with Homosexuality are gay's in the closet? I'm not saying that retarded.... no wait yes I am, yep thats retarded!
When I said I "see" it, I meant as expressed in writing in airsoft forums such as this. The bigots seldom speak that way in person of course, for obvious reasons.
Having a hard time following this conversation, Andy? Heheh. My homophobe comment must be taken in context of the discussion with flash. Obviously it is a ridiculous overgeneralization to identify those who disagree with homosexuality as being gay. It was the equivalent to the bigotry being expressed by flash however and was meant to illustrate my point.
Of course I would rather that you inquired for clarification rather than just sit there slappin yer monkey. Good on you, son. Good on you.
Sorry there Lead-but I got to say that Homo's belong in the closet.
Everyone seems to want to be so politically correct and accept gays as being OK--it isnt OK.
I see nothing OK about two men porking each other in the butt every night, I see nothing OK about Fags/Lesbos in public kissing on each other.
i do not think Homo's shoud be allowed to raise of have children.
It is NOT normal behavior.
neither is Mixed relations, it leads to nothing but questions and problems.
You see. The US has been slowly being brainwashed into Political correctness for more that 30 years. We are being trained to accept anything as OK. And this acceptance of Anything goes is what is slowly destroying the basic American Value!
I can assure you that if this was 1945 or so--Iraq would be ours, gas would be 20 cents a gallon, we wouldnt be frisked at the airports, the Chinese wouldnt be buying Unocal, nor iun pssession of nukes. When you had a problem with something, you would not have to ytalk to some ignorant fuckwad in India to settle it.
America used to have balls, and value's--those are going down the drain, and now even more and more of our freedom is going do9wn the drain, yet we are alos being forced to accept sub standard as OK.
So as long as you decided to bring up gay floks--NO indeed I disapprove of Bonesmuggles and turd tampers!
They need to shipped to France!
All illegals need to be BOOTED the hell out!
Nobody should be allowed in without governmental approval--YES CLOSE THE BORDERS-and SHOOT anyone trying to enter!
Stop screwing are in Iraq-Massive sweep of the country-remove all guns and weapons-shoot anyone suspicious-back to the stone age-take the OIL!
THEN and ONLY then Help them to rebuild!
Rmember Japan?? A couple of well placed Nukes stopped that entire criscofest right then and there--now Japan is OK!
Far too much asskissing goes on, America simply needs to KICK a few asses-and DEMAND that the Planet unite in a democratic manner.
Remember he who dies wityh the most toys WINS!
So lead-is it Lead magnet or lead poisoning?
PS--shove a cork in your dogs ass, so it stops leaking!!!!!!!