The SWAT House and it's staff would like to thank
it's players and supporters over the last year in our endeavor to have a fun indoor Airsoft facility here in the Las Vegas valley.
As of Wednesday, Nov. 11 2005 The SWAT House Las Vegas
is officially closed.
In the next week or so we will be posting a date and time on NAPA's website when we will be having a final sale of all store items. All of our Airsoft inventory, rental guns and masks, furniture, etc. will be sold off or given away.
In the meantime, please continue to support Las Vegas Valley's thriving Airsoft community by attending NAPA and LVA games and forums and by attending out of state Airsoft functions and showing them that L.V.'s Airsoft players are second to none!
Dont know why they said 11th today is the 9th!!!