Personally, I think respawning is the least of the issues when comparing to "real world".
Speed ball is single elimination, and is no closer to real battles because of it.
IMO, if you want to get more true-to-life, then ammunition limits would need to be set.
No one carries 3000 rounds of ammunition(5x600 round magazines) for their weapon. Heck, that is enough for 20 soldiers.
Restrict each combatant to 150 rounds per game, and you will see tactics become the rule, regardless of respawn or not.
If joe blow sprays through his 150 rounds in the first 2 minutes, it doesn't matter how many times he respawns, out of ammo is out of ammo.
Fight or flight becomes a question you must answer. If your team is down to 1 magazine apiece, your tactics are going to change in a hurry.
Games could be built around "ammo caches".
Trying to hand load a magazine while taking incoming fire would get my blood pumping.
In short, complaining about respawning being not 'true-to-life' while carrying a bunch of 600 round magazines just seems a little silly.