I don't think you can really <b>compare</b> those 3 games. They each have their own style of gameplay. America's Army tries to be somewhat of a tactical simulation. Halo is arcadey, but fun and has a storyline...kinda. UT2003 is just deathmatch, plain and simple (well it does have CTF, etc but its still deathmatch).
I'll wait until Unreal2 comes out.
Now Half-Life...I still think thats the best [50?] bucks I ever spent on a PC game. =P Ohhhh the fun I have had with it at LAN parties....
I'm really glad the engine has improved a LOT since it was first released with America's Army. AA is too slow in the framerate department IMHO. I hope they somehow upgrade to the latest version of the UT2003 engine...which I know I constantly get over 80 FPS in. In AA, I get maybe 20-45, max.
The crazy airsoft shenanigans of John aka Kyrex aka Johnus:
"Hey charlie..." *THWAP!* "HUT HUT!"
"Oww...what was that for you little f***?!"
"Heyy...calm down charlie...."