ok GIJO this might be long, i might be 16 and you may think i don't know what i'm talkning about but i have been airsofting for about 5-6 years now. so like said Jungletoy is the only decent store close to you in AZ, use websites such as evike, airsoftexteam, dentrinity, airsoft atlanta, redwolf etc i could give hundreds more. badest gun as you stated to me is an M249 or any LMG or MG. especially an MG36! if you like the M4 M16 etc get Classic Army or Tokyo Marui, personal recomendation. and get stuff for it such as M203, and what ever else you may like on em. if you want the best gear, right now a lot of people say multicam...you could get a vest with MOLLE wich allows you to customize it, but that stuff is $$$$$$$$$, but get a gun, vest, mags, batteries, boots, camo, goggles or prtective glasses rated of corse, pads are handy to me, headgear, personaly thats what i say but you really want to ask the big guys, like vince, azsarge, etc....but i put out what help i could lend, i could rabble on but that might be a bad idea