Author Topic: suggestion  (Read 1617 times)

Offline KenCasper

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« on: June 30, 2002, 07:52:16 PM »
How a bout a section dealing with legislative issues that could affect Airsoft??  Being new to this sport and coming from real steel and hunting forums where there is always some group trying to take away the rights of some one else to enjoy them selves in a sport that generally harms no one else (every group has it's bad apples) I think it would be a good Idea to have a spot where we can check on the latest legislative threats to the sport.

Such as the one I found on the hunting site that affects Numourous sports hunting, hiking, and anything else that uses public lands  for recreation. Below I have copied the post.

From: Glynn Burkhardt
Date: 6/30/2002
Time: 1:11:24 AM
Remote Name:

The Pima County Sonoran Desert Protection Plan (SDCP) will stop hunting on BLM, State and private property. This plan covers 1.4 million acres which is all in Pima County. The Pima County Government has a law on the books which forbids the discharge of a firearm on lands administrated by the county. The county will be the administrator of the Environmental Impact Study/Statement and the Endangered Species Act section 10 permit under which the SDCP will exist. This plan will also stop prospecting, OHV and 4x4 use, equestrian and mountain bike use as well as close thousands of miles of access roads. Only designated roads and camping areas will be for limited public use. The Pima County Coallition For Multiple Use is fighting this attempted land closure. Our site is easily reached at or Our Meeting date is posted on our site.


I can see this easily spreading to the state and even the Nation if given a chance. And all affected peoples need to voice their opinons to the local elected officals.

<img src="" border=0>On the Eigth Day God creatated the Infantry, And the Gates of Hell opened and the Devil Snapped to  Attention!!!!
<img src="" border=0>
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 05:00:00 PM by KenCasper »
Sgt Kevin Widner
AKA \"Casper\"

\"The Harder you train the harder your enemy must train...all comes down to who gives up first!   Mike \"Colonel\" Potter