So, upon recieving my tightbore in the mail yesterday, I was under the impression that all tightbores are universal fit regardless of the model.
My 6.03 JBU barrel just came last night.
It was intended for use in an M14, however the 440mm length is literally absoulty perfect for my AK with the PBS-1 barrel extension over it.
Long story short, the two flat spaces on the barrell where that little plastic c-clip things snaps into place to keep it from rotating were actually in the wrong place. They were cut too far back.
I had to very carefully, using a hand file and a dremel, re-locate those notches up about 2mm or so.
It works now and great too without any signs of decresease in accusracy.
Kinda bummed I had to take a file to it though. The glossy gray powdercoat was a really nice touch haha!
Just thought I'de post for anyone looking to do future upgrades similar to mine.