The revolution won't ever start.
There won't be a second American revolution.
Here's why :
Imagine this country is a now middle-aged man with a wife, kids, car payments and a mortgage.
When it was younger, it was real easy to stay up all night, eat pizza, bro it up in Halo 3 on Xbox Live, raw dog random girls, and play pokers on the Internets in between pretending to go to class and whatnot. It was easy, without any real responsibility, to do whatever it wanted. Felt like going to Vegas tomorrow? Fuck, do it. Awesome.
Now, there's big responsibility. Gotta eat right, exercise, pretend to tell your wife you love her (and then go beat off to w4m ads on Craigslist. Maybe m4m ads. Gross.), help kids at easy math that they suck at, and look forward, to, hopefully, the big piece of chicken for dinner. Have a job you hate that you don't get paid enough for, and a car that needs repairs. Feel like going to Vegas tomorrow? Well, better check the honey-do list, get a babysitter, ask for the time off work, get your neighbors to look after your dog and make sure you have enough in savings to do it.
We have fifty states now (not thirteen), and approximately 303,824,640 people. That's 30,078,639,360 different problems (give or take a couple million if bitches ARE one of some people's) if Jay-Z's math is right.
Do you guys even have any idea what the effects of a Second American Revolution would be on all of those lives?
Whoever's left over would be living in a country completely destroyed, both physically and politically. If you guys think that President Obama has weakened our image since taking office, just think about what a bunch of fags we'd look like after having a completely unnecessary civil war.
Or, hope you are alive to think about it - if you weren't killed during the civil war, the chances of you being killed by Russian or Chinese invaders launching a massive attack in the wake of this war are probably pretty high.
Really, just absolutely preposterous to hope for a second American revolution.
We're just too old for this shit.