Ok last night at work i was thinking of airsoft and some stuff on the forums. I keep seeing people wanting to use someone elses AEG or other airsoft gun but seeing how most people only have 1 or dont want to lend out thier extra AEGs in fear that they will be broken.
This is where my idea comes in. What if i where to buy a second AEG (mp5 or something around 200$ - 250$) for the soul reason to rent it out to people at non-AA games. Seeing how you can get a decent stock AEG for around 200 - 250. I could rent them out for a price say.. 50$ for an event until its paided off then drop that price to 20$ or something like it.
My questions are:
1) How much would you pay to use a stock gun for a day?
2) How much for a upgraded gun
3) do you think this is a "good" idea
"good" meaning it will work. I understand i stand to take a great risk in the begining till the guns are paided off but that is something for me to worry about and work out. Which i already have that part planned out.