I have a Replica PASGT helmet. The inside is lined with foam for protection, then a layer of much lighter thinner foam for comfort. it has a flexible chin strap that buckles and is adjustable in case you have a big or tiny head (or medium). The outside is very solid plastic with a matte black finish. There is a fair amount of scratches but with some craft paint it's back to normal. There are also thick leather pads that protect your ears but you can still hear just as well and TRUST me its nice knowing your ears will not get shot. You can put goggles around the helmet and they still fit to your face snuggly on the front side. I'm asking $25 for this helmet.
The front grip is very durable, you can look up my post on it if you like. It's made out of ABS and has a "KA" logo on one side. the bottom twists to tighten it. it fits snuggly in all the rails I've put it on due to the design of the rail mount. There are no cracks or chips on it. I'm asking $15 for this grip.
PM me for a link to pictures