If anyone uses a paintball bb and hits me... there are gonna be problems.
I don't enjoy scrubbing paint off of gear... one of the reasons I airsoft much much more than I paintball.
I'd still like to see them do a few more tests for me to believe it. I want to see them put into an actual high-fps gun (like... at least 550-600fps), and then I want to see the barrel swabbed after going through 500-600 rounds of midcaps and hicaps. There's no way they're going to have a high break:bounce rate and no in-gun breaks. If it can't be done reliably for more than about 100 rounds (in guns like the rap4 realistic models that work similar to airsoft guns... and even in regular paintball markers) in .68cal or .43cal paint yet... no way it's going to be any more reliable in a 6mm round.