I originally just made some notes set aside for friends on facebook, but why not post a few off topic points here? Here's my review of Homefront for the xbox 360. I'm not trying to start an arguement over the forums, merely just trying to save some of you some money if it looked interesting to you.
For anyone interested in buying this game let me save you about $60.
Out of a 10, I'd give Homefront a 6.5/10.
Pros : Campaign handles well
Guns look better and fire more like real weapons.
Vareity of weapon attachments.
Picture and character quality looks great.
Cons : Campaign is too short.
Very few weapons for campaign and multiplayer
Multiplayer looks like it was thrown together over night.
Campaign ending is horrid.
Overall I'd say Homefront is only good for the campaign and if they wanted to impress everyone they would make it a bit longer, I beat the campaign in less than 4-5 hours.
Also, on the forums it says a lot of people are having problems with achievements registering, you have to recover your gamertag for them to record properly, and if your thinking of playing multiplayer with your friends, don't.
You can be in a party, but however from experience the full party never makes it in, and when you do, your not put on your friends team. I'd say if one of your friends bought the game, borrow it from them so you can play it, or rent it, but don't spend $60 on it like I did.