WE currently makes a SCAR-L GBBR, but they still do not have a GBB SCAR-H. After searching through the web I found some interesting discussion about this on some other forums. Here is one I found (I didn't bookmark the other, but it was basically the same).
http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/lofiversion/index.php/t167421.htmlIf you scroll down you will see a suspected picture of a GBB SCAR-H in the testing stages. Members on this forum (the one I posted a link to) also claimed that WE confirmed it was a SCAR-H. On another forum I saw basically the same discussion saying that WE was producing one. This thread was also brought up before WE had made their GBB M-14, and they were discussing that too, and it is out now, but still no SCAR-H.
Does anybody have any information on it? I am looking into getting the Echo1 SCAR-H, but if this GBB SCAR-H comes out I will have to decide. I do realize that mags are ridiculously more expensive for GBBRs.