OP: Olympus Inferno (Game 6)Sierra Vista Airsoft (SVA) and
Knight Watch Productions is proud to present the 6th biweekly Operation: Olympus Inferno on Saturday, September 21, 2013. Operation Olympus Inferno is a continuous 5 month MilSim campaign recreating the liberation of Georgia from the Russians during the “5-day War”. The previous games have all been successful with two VIPs from Georgia and Slovakia, a dedicated photographer, and a dedicated team of organizers.
To see what SVA has organized in the past, please visit:
The Georgian/Russian conflict continues!
Both sides swarm into new territory, but this requires that they acquire the materials to set up their team's command bunker. This entails finding and assembling the actual building materials for the structures! Using the Knight Watch Bunker System, the teams will have to build and defend their own custom fortifications. They will also have to comb the battlefield for their assets: bunker pieces, first aid kits, patrol routes and the location of the enemy CP. If either the Russian's or Georgian's flag is captured and taken to the opponent's base, the territory is claimed and the overrun team must flee the battlefield.
This conflict will require both team's to utilize the skills of patrolling, ambushing, raiding, and defending.
This event is by RSVP only. Your RSVP will let the organizers cater the scenario and its props to the number of attendees. Leadership positions and Non-player characters will also reflect the RSVP roster.
AO: Splinter's Kill Box. A 50-acre portion of land in Herford, AZ. The area is contained with four clearly marked boundaries with a single point of entry. The field contains several washes, lush grass, and plenty of cover and concealment for an engaging battle. The game dynamics have been tailored for the unique characteristics of the field.
September 21, 2013
Show@ 0800
Chrono@ 00830
Briefing@ 0900
Game on @ 0920
General Rules:
SVA Rule Set:
http://www.meetup.com/Sierra-Vista-Airs ... d/35778982
Special Note
Radios are not required for this event, but are HIGHLY recommended due to how the objectives are spread out and the play is fluid. Please also note this event is being planned as a MILSIM Battlefield type event. This means that we expect no trips to cars and staging areas. Please be prepared to carry everything on your person that you need to play and stay on your feet, including plenty of water and extra ammunition.
Please RSVP by name only. Thanks.
OD, FG, RG, Sage, Woodland, MARPAT, Flecktarn, DPM, CCE, Flora, Tiger Stripe, Philippine Digital, ATACS – FG
GEORGIAN/US (TAN): Tan, Khaki, Beige, CB, FDE, Crocodile, Taupe, Brown
Multicam, 3-color DCU, 6-color desert ‘choco-chip’, Tropentarn / Wustentarn, Desert DPM, Desert MARPAT, ATACS, AOR, ACU