You must be at least 18 years old to be a member of AirsoftArizona unless you are sponsored in which case you can be 16 and still be an AA member. Spectators may be of any age but those under 18 must have parental permission via a completed waiver. Everyone, regardless of age must sign a waiver prior to the event you will be attending regardless of age or if you will be playing or just spectating. If you are under 18, your parents must also sign. Please read the waiver for more information. If you are under 18, you CAN participate in AA games, but for those under 18 years of age, YOUR parent or legal guardian MUST accompany you to the AA games and either play alongside you or remain in the staging areas until you are done playing - NO EXCEPTIONS! Also see sponsors if you are at least 16 and can't bring your parent along to the games.