Mmmm SWAT 4. I bought the full, retail version of the game today. I must say, I am very pleased. If you haven't tried the demo, download it here: ... emo_en.exeFor those of you who remember SWAT 3, I dare say that you will be more than pleased with the latest release of the SWAT series. SWAT 4 is a little bit more user friendly than SWAT 3. The command system seems to be a little more streamlined, and the graphics are up to par with most of today's other FPS games. What I liked was the lighting; combined with the textures, it gives the game a feeling of reality.
SWAT 4 lacks the sheer multitude of weapons that SWAT 3 had, but it pretty much covers all the bases (SMG's, Assault Rifles, Shotguns, & Pistols). Sniping is a whole different kind of system with outside snipers. I wouldn't be suprised if a future patch put in some more player weapons, since there already seem to be models for enemies.
Single player missions are very fun. There's plenty of action and you get to use your head. There are usually many ways to approach the level you are on, so the game definitely has replay value.
Multiplayer is great. You just can't go wrong with co-op in this game. It gets a little slow when you die and have to wait for everyone else (I do a lot of dying
), but when you can work together, there's never a dull moment.
I will say, this game needs some kind of voice-chat capability, and the command menus seem to be kind of inadequate for MP. Hopefully a patch will address these issues. Just try the demo and see this game for yourself.