-Ginormous Run-On sentences and lack of punctuation and capitalization. This isn't AIM. If you can't spell, don't post.
-Necroposts that do not add any new info, make a worthwhile comment, or ask a question. necroposting is OK if the post is worthwhile.
-Kids that act like assholes on the forums, only to be a little, timid child in person. If you're gonna be a dick, be a dick everywhere or shut your hole.
-People that get offended too easily.
-Posting for rank. No one really cares about your post count. If you're new, wait until you have something to say!
Most of all? People that rarely come to games, that post in Off-Topic threads simply to cause trouble and argue. Afterall, this is an airsoft forum. If you do not play airsoft, what the f*ck are you doing here?