I'm sure people in the UK thought Airsoft would be booming as well, right up until they started talking about banning airsoft guns.
Thanks Andyhinds for the info on the UK!Sorry to take it off topic
As been discussed in other threads. We must learn from what's going on in other countries that have been doing Airsoft far before the USA. Another glimps as to what will lie in the future for us airsofters. Before anyone gets thier panties in a wad. Think long and hard about it.
Quote from saveairsoft.org site
"The govermnent yet again comes in with a sweaping ban without having any real understanding of the sport that it will effect. As a keen motocross rider our sport was put underthreat by the DEFRA changes to farmer subsidies, but by petitioning and actively fighting the measures brought in we we're successful in having the situation ammended. It seems that although the Government is keen to get more people into sports, it shows no support for new modern sports. Not everyone wants to play cricket or athletics"
Lewis, Cambridge
I as well am a Motocross rider and former racer, I've seen how the gov't comes down on a family sport. I'm just saying be prepared. We all know what to do and are doing it now to try and prevent this from happening.
Thanks gixser13 for the tip on the article!