As a new member to the Forums, I must say that reading of all of the, "Newbies please read", "Required reading" etc., was a boon.
Had I not read those posts I probably would have made almost every mistake listed in them!
Now.., at first I almost wore out the search button. All of the topics and info was new to me. So I read almost everything my searches brought up.
Recently, however, I have been having problems narrowing down my searches for more specific information.
So...., 2 questions;
Can any of you give me some advice on making my searches more precise? I am no computer Guru, nor a user of many forums in the past.
Secondly; Would any of you really knowledgeable members have the patience to volunteer to let me PM you any questions that I know should not be put up on the forums? PM me if you would.
Don't get me wrong, I have no complaints about the forum. Its just that there is so much information out there that I get sidetracked.
Or perhaps it is because of my A.D.D.....What was I saying?...I dunno, wanna go ride bikes? Hehe :lol:
Be Well,