Rosters went out to each Platoon yesterday. We are currently at 60 registered players!
There are only 15 spaces available on US Forces for the $40 game price. Once these are filled up, price goes to $60. Registration closes on Friday at 6 pm. Any player who arrives at the field without prepaying and registering will pay the walk-on price for the event.
On Friday, Sept 15 I will post the final rosters before the game. Please do not try to contact me via email or private message Friday after 7 pm as I will be prepping for the event.
EVENT UPDATE - Kenton Tucker of MG Shooters will be teaching part of the weapons safety program at Saturday's training.
He will be bringing out a variety of real machineguns for participants to view, hold, take photos, etc. Please note that we will NOT be firing these weapons at the event. However, we will be announcing an upcoming event where shooters may train and fire with these type of weapons.