I know Ernie personally...he's a friend. While he might be one who doesn't shy away from attention, let me assure you that he isn't the loon some of you wish to paint him as.
While I am not in agreement with him on the 9-11 thing (sometimes a cigar is just a cigar), there are some VERY valid points he makes on the validity and security surrounding voting and electronic voting machines and vote-fraud in general.
His stance on not voting also has some interesting angles.
Let's say we all are sitting around looking at each other's airsoft gear. I see DXH's gear and say "Let's have a vote to divvy up his gear. All in favor say "aye", all opposed "Nay"."
So, in the end, it's 6-1, with DXH being the lone "No" vote. We begin to divvy up his gear. He complains.
He voted, didn't he? Therefore he was sanctioning the results. By complaining now, he's just being a sore loser, right?
Rewind a bit.
I call for the vote. It's 6-0. He doesn't vote. In fact, he says "anyone tries to take my gear, I'll have you arrested for theft" and perhaps implies physical protection of his goods.
By participating in the elections, you de facto agree to abide by the results, even if they are contrary to your beliefs or end up being, in some ways, unconstitutional.
Ernie has a lot of knowledge about Arizona politics. Don't dismiss him out of hand.