Not all the time poor people looking for work.
How often do you see illegals doing things to exploit Americans? Ever drive down in one of the "barrios?" They'll slam their brakes on, walk infront of your car, try and break into your car, try to rob you, steal what they can, sell drugs, etc... Yes, Americans do this too, but it's just escalating that these people shouldn't be here to start with.
Fucking a...
(don't read my post if you won't finish it)
The United States shouldn't have stopped at Arizona & Texas, should have taken it ALL, all the way to south of CHILE, we're being over-run by Japanese Economically (toyota,etc, fuji film, all technologies) and Mexicans are destroy our cities like Termites destroying a Log Cabin. My house has been robbed twice, and they're still prowling around scoping out the neighborhoods. Can't walk down the street without being descriminated for being WHITE. My Step-Brother's Car got totalled, and he was injured, guy driving had no insurance along with the other 5 beeners in the car, they took off of course. My education was held back because the MEXICAN KIDS CAN'T LEARN, I started out reading at a 9th grade level in 1st grade, by ninth grade I read at a 1st grade level, until I hit college at 16, because I got tired of the drugs, sex, violence, gang warfare, racial discremenation, lack of advancement. we were stuck on the first week of school for the whole year at Cholla high school (10 blacks, 7 whites, 1200 mexicans). If only I had a thousand clones and exterminate the cacaroaches. (no offense to
respectable, honorable, hardworking, upstanding citizens I get fired up about that subject, Illegal immigration IS WRONG and to be supported, THIS IS AMERICA, SPEAK ENGLISH, PAY IN DOLLARS. I can go a whole day without seeing a white person, seeing or hearing a word of english, what the heck man. screw Iraq, mexico's a bigger threat. I was at the mall the other week and couldn't make it anywhere because the place was 90% mexican, and they every two had a stroller, with kids tagging behind them. They're multiplying, and Tax payers are paying for Their Food, Healthcare, Housing, Education(which they waste). It's draining our society people, and this IS REAL, I've stated facts, I've lived in this evironment for 19 years, and don't use racism or descrimination as ammunition against me, it's the truth, and it's persistant among the culture. It happens everyday, whether you've seen it or not, whether you care or not. Whether you really know the truth or not. I'm a LEGAL IMMIGRANT (now a citizen), what am I doing, I've served in Iraq, I've worked with community enrichment organizations, I'm educating myself in order to help this country which gives me freedom, and I'm not using that freedom to robb other people of they're fruits that they worked hard for. That money mexican's make here, goes back to mexico, what does that do to our economy? it's obvious. I'm in business right now competing with illegals, trying to use their business to make money while taking away their consumers. Who says Mexican's do jobs American's don't want to, I couldn't get a job because I either wasn't mexican or didn't speak spanish, THAT MEANS WHITE AMERICANS ARE BEING DESCRIMINATED IN AMERICA. still havn't found a job, had to join the ARMY at 17 to gain some income. When I was on leave from Iraq, I saw Mexican's trying to hurt our Cities with protests, AMERICAN Flags raised UPSIDE DOWN, mexican flags being raised in there place, then I went back to Iraq, I was devastated. It's personal for me. I hate red white and green.