The problem is, parents these days always find someone else to blame. You would think it would be obvious the risks of airsofting, but that won't stop them from suing somebody when the kid gets hurt. It doesn't matter if they are actually surprised and angered or are just looking to get rich quick. That kind of incident still gives our sport a bad name.
While some minors might be mature enough for this sport, many are not. Unless their has been a drastic change at Marauders games from last time I went, it just proves the point. tgriff, you really don't have a point of reference to argue from as you have only seen one side of it since you aren't old enough to attend AA games. Every older player I personally know (as in 18+) feels the same way about Marauders games as I do. I am sorry, but that is just the way it is.
Case in point, last Marauders game I went to there was a younger player crossing the opening of sniper field. My brother, a friend of mine, along with myself were all behind one of the forward bunkers. The player in question was not in any particular hurry nor making any effort to hide his movement. His was literally strolling across the field. All three of us took a few quick bursts at him. We could see the BB's hit him, he even jumped. It was obvious he wasn't expecting other players out there. He proceeded to start running to the nearest hole for cover. We continued to shoot at him (and hit him). Yet he sits in the hole and starts to return fire. This was a completely blatant violation of the rules. He was hit (repeatedly), but apparently decided it didn't matter for one reason or the other. So my brother and I laid down some cover fire while my friend charged the kid. As soon as his head popped up, my friend sprayed the guy. The kid raises his gun and starts returning fire. My friend was no more than 15 feet from the kid. He could hear the BB's bounce off him, yet nothing. I think he was about ready to physically hit the kid.
I can feel the pain of the younger players who are actually mature and follow the rules. However you are the exception not the rule and unfortunately the rest of your age group ruins it for you. That might suck, but unfortunately that is the way it has to be.