While I must say the Marauders certainly try very hard to create good games some of their games fall way short of their price tag. While I've only been to two of their games (One set of saturday games (Price $20) and a bigger "Op" (Price $50)) Neither were really worth the total price for me. On top of gas money (which is 30 dollars per tank) I have to pay 13 dollars for one bag of bb's for the weekend, the entry fee, car repair fees (Yup thats right, 13 bucks just about everytime I go their my car gets some pretty low tires and I have to take it to a dealer to get the holes patched... dunno why they do that). The saturday games are a joke, for almost 70 dollars to play you get about 6 hours of "30 minutes of gameplay, 1 hr of sit and bull shit" and by the end of the day your crying to yourself. The bigger ops are better, its at least a full day of nonstop play, but for 50 bucks back home I get 2 full days of airsofting, camping, bullshitting, food, raffle tickets, and one hell of a game. The op I went to was fun but again 50 dollars for one day of game play is not justifiable anymore for me. I must give credit to Mike at Marauders, he does a good job of running games and I know his heart is in the right place but even $10 dollars is too much for the saturday games and 20 too much for the OPs. Now I have to pay extra money to get training to play on the team of competent pay ahead players when I dont need it? ? ? no way. They do a good job of making you feel at home (The marauders themselves) but some of their players can be a little over arragant about their product (and thusly another argument from which you will be spared)
Honestly, AA games are 100000x better in my oppinion and they are almost half the price for me to play at (40 dollars for gas and bb's, and no tire repair fees!)
If you honestly have a serious hitch to go and play one saturday and there is no AA game, then maybe you could justify the price more since you live in the area, but for me its too much especially since I dont have a job per se.