Alright I felt this had to be addressed. It seems they want to post blogs then delete them as if they never existed. And complain that we take them as fact(shouldn't we?!).
When I first started playing with the Marauders the one thing I like the most was the lack of elitism. No one complained when you did something stupid or had lower powered guns or even the right gear. But this new blog completly shatters what the Marauders stood for. In less than a week they go from lax to super Elitism on problems of their own doing. They complain about supermen, unlimited ammoers, hot guns, no tactics, in proper gear, and lack of respect towards minors. They had rules against all of this and never enforced them. So now because of your own errors you are going to turn your back and insult every person that helped build the Marauders in popularity? Yes the games had some people problems and I know exactly who was doing what. And every week they always came back? All you had to do was not invite them back. You caved and now you've turned on everyone. And you insult the tactics of certain people and rambo? I know thats directed at me. Im sorry I played and was aggressive towards the enemy. Im sorry I think beyond the current fight. And as for gear? Only Southpaw, a few ACUs, and myself wore anything other than US Camo. So im sorry we treated airsoft like a hobby. And flecktarn is real military bdus.
They also complain about how we don't treat minors with respect. When posts in the VERY TOPIC reflect why this is so. Enough said. Im tired of typing so ill just do what he said and copy and paste. If your going to make a post ABOUT YOUR ORGANIZATION be prepared for people to read it and take it for what it says. We are not mind readers so what you say we must take as it is.
My final words are thus. I thought the Marauders would be an elitism free enviroment. Where those who simply wanted to play for the sake of playing could, which it was. But it seems you were just playing people looking for those that could help fund your hidden agenda. It's not our fault paintballers would return to an empty field to play. Its not the masses fault a few people cheated and were never removed. Its not our fault people broke into and destroyed your stuff. The attitude you have show is equal to if not more so than the paintballers you hate so much.
and as requested
The Island is...
A tactical training center, not just used exclusive for airsoft
The Island Will Include:
1. A Firing Range
2. At least 8 different fields spread out over 40 acres (that's 1.7 million sq. ft.). Initially, at least one field is projected to be completed by June 24th 2007. Additional construction will be ongoing with the next field projected to opened between October and December 2007.
Fields can be played:
1. Individually
2. In conjunction with 1 or more other fields
3. Or as one giant field
Types of Activities/Events:
1. Marauder (MTT) training exercises
2. Open Games (Open to Members and Annual Pass Holders Only)
3. Mil-Sim Scenario Games (Open to Members and Annual Pass Holders Only)
4. Private Events you may want to host overseen by MTT personnel.
You may play at The Island if you have:
1. An Annual Pass ($200, $500 as of May 1st)
2. A Marauder's Membership ($200, $500 as of May 1st)
3. A Direct Invitation from a Member or Annual Pass Holder (Free for 1st event). Invitees, may apply for a Membership or Annual Pass, and if approved by MTT, will be given after Invitee has completed 2 days of safety and general airsoft instruction provided by MTT. For every Invitee that meets the entry requirements and becomes a member or pass holder, the Invitor will be credited with $20 currently, or $50 after May 1st. Credit maybe used to purchase supplies, equipment, admission fees to scenario games (open games are free to all members and annual pass holders), next year's annual pass or membership, etc...
What is the Difference Between being an Annual Pass Holder and Member?
The two receive basically the same benefits, but a Member is expected to obtain official team equipment (uniform, gun, etc), show up to training classes (whenever feasible, not mandatory), and hopefully join us on National Ops to represent the best of Marauders, and above all, play at a higher standard using skills, tactics, teamwork, and above all, keeping safety in the fore front of every action while also ensuring the safety of others around him.
Annual Passes and Membership maybe purchased now from Mike, but your official start date doesn't kick in until the field officially opens, which is projected to be around June 24, 2007, and will expire June 25th, 2008 or 365 days after date of purchase for those purchased after June 24th, 2007.
Where is The Island?
The Island is Nowhere. There is no "Island" There never was, and there never will be. I don't even know what you are talking about. No hablo Ingles.
You will not be told the location of The Island, nor will it be made public. Only Members and Annual Pass Holders will know its location after we have deemed you worthy of its existence. If it is discovered you that you have revealed the location of The Island to others who are not a Member or Pass Holder, your Membership or Pass will be terminated. Again, it is vital we keep this location a secret, and it is up to you, to not reveal directions, headings, coordinates, cross roads, etc...others, as we need to avoid scenarios similiar to the one's we've seen happen at the old Southwest Paintball Field (Arson, Theft, Vandalism, Tresspassing) or potentially new one's like idiots showing up to play with hot guns, unlimited ammo, or their Superman Syndrome of Invincibility. Oh, wait, that already happens. So as much as we all want to shove The Island in the face of the "BB"/"Poo-Poo" players, or whatever those whiners are called (they don't deserve the respect of being formally recognized), its better to let them keep on playing their little war games in the middle of nowhere for free! (you get what you pay...nothing) with no real object, except never surrender never call your hits, no tactics, except for shoot, for God's sake keep shooting, oh no my 3000 round mag just went empty!!!!, no team work, no safety, except for Tom Cruise sun glasses, looking at my front teef, I've got no front teef , no regard for minors, as under 18 means you still have your brain cells because you haven't drank or smoked them away, no concept of mil-sim, except for dressing up like Rambo or whatever the latest fashion of tiger stripes is, no sense of capitalism, because I'm broke no one else is allowed to started a business and Ford should just give their car away cause it only has $300 of metal in it, no vision, because I grew up in a sad little town, and no one can go anywhere, do nothing with their life, even if they went to college for both a Bachelors and Masters Degree, spend 70 hours working in the fab to earn just enough money to buy a 40 acre property, that he may just use to play on and create something bigger, better, than anything currently available, instead of renting some one elses paintball field for $800 a month that he will never see again.
Sorry for having vision, if this upsets you, please go buy yourself some land and let me play on it for free so you can have the honor of spitting in my face and calling me a dirty capitalist...
P. S. Hope this answers all your questions, and if it doesn't I frankly don't give a shit (directed towards those "BB" wannabe's). Its my land, my MySpace page, my blog, mine all of it mine!!!!!
P.P.S. I hope one of those "BB" wannabe's copies and pastes this blog on their "BB" forum, and creates another explosion of fear. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Good Night